Sunday, June 11, 2006

Spring 2006

I can’t believe it’s already June . . . Lilah turns 2 yrs old on the 29th, Naomi turns 3.5 yrs old on the same day and Myles will be three months old on the 15th! I’ve tried to capture Spring 2006 in the attached photos, hope you enjoy!

It’s so amazing to stand back and look at our lives right now. Yesterday we had a BBQ with some of our friends and we were talking about the time when Joel had hair! Caused us to pull out some photos to prove a point (that Joel looks better without hair), and gave me a chance to reflect on how quickly our lives have changed. It seems like only yesterday that we were celebrating our wedding under the big top (ah what a circus/party that was), and Joel had just lost his hair for the first time compliments of a favorite brother-in-law that I still need to repay. Almost 6 years later we are a family of five and are blessed with three beautiful, marvelous and terrific kids! Wow.

So things are trucking along here rather steadily. Lilah is working on the potty training and doing remarkably well on that front. She’s a determined little person, who loves to be praised for her “accomplishments” – making her a fairly fast learner.

Naomi decided (on her own) to dispense with the idea of drinking milk in a bottle and we celebrated with a “bye bye Bubba” party last month. It was the easiest transition imaginable with her and we are really proud!

Myles continues to grow – I heard that the Michelin man denied paternity after seeing his legs! At 2 months old he was as tall as Naomi was at 4 months and weighed more than she did at 9 months!

The girls officially bunked in together three weeks ago, and Myles moved into his own room last weekend. Naomi is enjoying having a room-mate, Lilah continues to believe that bedtime is party time and we are just happy that Myles is still sleeping (though not through the night yet). I have to admit that it was easier having him in our room as the climb up the stairs in the middle of the night is not my favorite, but it is also nice to have him (and his stuff) in his own space too.

Last week we attended an information session for Jr. Kindergarten and I got goosebumps imagining Naomi at “big girl” school next fall. She is quite ready to go, excited about the prospect of travelling to school on the bus and with her friend Gavin. I’m excited for her – though a bit sad to see my first baby so grown up!

As Naomi graduates from Nursery School in two weeks, Lilah will be moving in to take her place. Tomorrow she’s going to attend Nursery school with Naomi so that her big sister can show her the ropes. I’m not sure that she needs to be shown, but it will be the one morning this month that I don’t have to listen to her sob because she’s not old enough to go too.

Myles was diagnosed with Torticollis this month (a shortening in a neck muscle on his left side) and is slated to begin physiotherapy on the 22nd of June to treat it. The pediatrician mentioned that it’s possibly a result of him being such a big baby in such tight quarters during the final months of pregnancy, and that it will go away with physiotherapy. It’s funny to see people’s reactions to him when they first meet him. The pediatrician had obviously not read his file before we met him and didn’t know how old he was. When I told him, he did quite the double-take as he thought Myles was 6 months old!

Joel has rejoined baseball and is enjoying his two evenings a week out with the “boys”. He’s been working like crazy as of late, whether it be at home or at the bank, so having a fun outlet is important to him.

I am happy to be back walking with my “chick” friends on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. We do 9 km each morning, so it’s a good workout. I’ve also joined a new recreational soccer league for women over 30 (nicknamed the “huff and puff league”) on Sunday nights and am having a ton of fun.

As the end of June nears we are settling in as a COMPLETE family of five. After the whirlwind that the past 6 years has been (a wedding, building our home, two trips to China, a hellish pregnancy and three great kids) it is hard to imagine that life will slow down. But at least the “big events” are over, so we are looking forward to sitting back and enjoying all that we’ve accomplished. Gone are the Sundays of hanging out watching sports – it’s all about making our own action now!

Lilah and Grammie Posted by Picasa

Crazy girls!

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Myles and Grammie

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Myles 6 wks, cousin Lauren 6 months

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Papa's birthday party Posted by Picasa

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Get these girly things offa me! Posted by Picasa

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A true Klassen Posted by Picasa

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