Friday, November 11, 2005

November 2005

It's hard to believe that it's already mid-November! We've been doing all things "autumn" lately, celebrating Halloween and enjoying the relatively warm weather. I have posted a few photos of the girls at Halloween. Our playgroup had a Halloween party the Friday night before the 31st. The girls enjoyed a hayride to an apple orchard, where we were each able to pick and eat an apple. Then we visited the pumpkin patch, where Naomi got a lesson in just how heavy a pumpkin is and just how orange a good one should be. We got a lesson in just how strong Naomi is!

Trick or treating was fun. It took Lilah all of one house to figure out the deal. She patiently watched Naomi go up to the door, ring the bell, say "trick or treat" and collect her loot. Lilah RAN to the second house and was the most ambitious (not to mention the youngest) of the entire bunch of kids for the rest of the night.

Naomi and I ventured to Toronto later that week with our neighbours (Sara and Gavin), where we took in a show of the Wiggles. This was Naomi's first concert and she was not sure what to think at the beginning. By the end she could hardly contain her enthusiasm. We had parked near the Old Spagetti Factory and walked to the Roger's Center and back. Quite a trek for an almost three year old, but the sight of the CN tower was her motivation on the way there. The way back she was motivated by a huge plate of spagetti waiting for her at the restaurant. She devoured her dinner, we walked back to our vehicle and we hadn't even hit the DVP before she was sound asleep. It was such a joy to spend the day with her and to watch her take everything in.

Last weekend we made a pitstop at the Butterfly Conservatory in Cambridge during a brief visit to KW. Both girls were fascinated with the butterflies.

Yesterday we had another ultrasound, where it was confirmed -- the Klassen name will move on to another generation. Yes -- it is a BOY! Naomi has already dubbed him "Baby Myles", talks to him regularily and just figured out last week that he's growing in my belly (not my also expanding chest). The OB who did the ultrasound was spectacular with her and showed her all sorts of stuff about her new baby brother. He then gave her the picture of his face, which I have attached. One comment he made was on how active he is - and how hard it was to get a good picture of him. Hmmm. . . I guess I should not be all that suprised that Myles already takes after his sisters!

I am back to work now and already done 1/3 of my contract. Fortunately I'm working from home and my job is fairly low stress. The girls have been doing great at the sitter's and it's hard to pry them away at the end of the day. All in all, it's been good all around.

Baby Myles Posted by Picasa

Lilah having fun Posted by Picasa

Lilah and a Butterfly Posted by Picasa

Naomi and a Butterfly Posted by Picasa

Halfway through the Wiggles! Posted by Picasa

Naomi's first reaction to the Wiggles Posted by Picasa

The Wiggles Posted by Picasa

High on Sugar Posted by Picasa

Naomi and Friends Posted by Picasa

Lilah - Trick or Treating Posted by Picasa

Naomi trick or treating Posted by Picasa

Lilah eating pumpkin guts Posted by Picasa

Carving pumpkins! Posted by Picasa

Lilah in the pumpkin patch Posted by Picasa

Apple Picking Posted by Picasa

Pooh Bear! Posted by Picasa