Where did May go?
Whoa are we overdue for a posting. Well folks, don't get your hopes up too high. Between running a WalkAThon and BBQ's for Naomi's school, all the Klassen girls starting soccer, Joel starting baseball, the end of the school year and working for Joel - I'm suckered for time to write these days. But we haven't been lazing around, we've had lots on the go lately. . . Recently we welcomed a new little cousin (once removed???) as my cousin Kelly gave birth to Carter. On the way up to OwenSound, we decided to stop and meet the little guy. Here are the girls giving him a welcome snuggle.
Naomi and Lilah started soccer last week, both on the same night. However a small wrench has been thrown into the mix due to the fact that Naomi is playing in the under 6 division, while Lilah is a U4 - meaning they play at the same time but on different fields. No big deal in a two parent house, but Joel also has baseball on Monday nights. This could be an interesting season!
Naomi reaquainted herself with the position of "Chief Daisy Picker" quite quickly during her first game. Lilah on the other hand seems to have finally found her niche. Her first play was to steal the ball (from her teammate), run it down the field and score. Then she turned around and did it again! We were a little excited and Lilah got so much attention for a few minutes that a little competitive streak came out in Naomi. Suddenly she demonstrated that she actually does understand the game! I've never seen her try so hard to get a goal in her life. Hmmm . . . note to self . . . parenting strategy . . . competition. We've also been to the Quemby's a couple of times in the past month as their pond is full of tadpoles and frogs. Between losing boots in the mud that sucks you in and diving for frogs, you'd think I'd have time to capture a few photos - but I forgot the camera. Conveniently though, I found a large toad in our basement window-well this afternoon. Naomi quickly made friends with the little prince Charming, so I did manage to snap a few shots!
Last weekend marked our last Mandarin Group get-together for this year, and we hosted the year end bash. Our teacher Luxia adores the kids and has been very patient with all of us over the past few months, as we try to learn a teensy bit of Mandarin and Chinese culture. Personally I'm going to miss the wonderful cooking that she does! I did manage to snap a group shot of the girls and Luxia on Saturday! I'm not sure if you can tell, but all the girls are giggling and grinning. I think that the best part of this get-together is seeing the bond that has formed with this little group. Not only are they best of friends, but they are a hoot to watch!
Our neighbour's son spends a lot of time here, to the point where the kids all act like he's their brother. When I snapped this photo of him and Myles, I was amazed to notice just how much they even look similar! Anyhow, they are just plain CUTE!
You need to blow up and frame that photo of Naomi with the frog!
Sounds like your life is calming down somewhat (ha!). Good luck with all the sports and summer activities.
I agree, the frog picture is great!
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