Saturday, November 17, 2007

Trick or Treat

Our all Hallows eve has become a tradition of heading down to Cobourg's Ball Street neighbourhood with our friends, having a little party and then Trick or Treating together. The families who participate are all the moms and kids who we hung out with on an almost daily basis when our kids were smaller. Since school and our jobs now prevent us from getting together as often as we used to (or would like), it's nice to have a tradition that we can still maintain and really enjoy!

This year, it all began with a party at Doc Woodland's bone crunching office (he's the chiropractor dad of our friends TY and TJ, and he really gets into this holiday). After some pizza and the "Blonde Baker's Cupcakes", the Klassen cheetah, butterfly, tiger and their friends headed out for some T & T action.

The girls had fun, but it was Myles who cleaned up. He developed a new technique - which resulted in his gaining tons of loot. First, Myles would cheerfully climb the stairs of the house. Once he got the homeowner's attention, he would smile and turn around, climbing down the stairs sans candy. Of course this would elicit an "OH isn't he THE cutest" from the unsuspecting homeowner, who would then try to pile the candy into his bucket! So . . . for the last two weeks, Joel and I have been scarfing back the chocolate. After all, a 19 month old can't have THAT much candy! Thankfully, we're almost done. :)

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