It sometimes is hard to imagine that Myles is 7 months old. Gone is the vacant (yet beautiful) face that we saw as a newborn. Now I see a face so full of personality that it's amazing to realize. Myles adores his sisters and lights up whenever they are near. He is a little boy who definately knows who his daddy is and recognizes his footsteps walking through the door after work. When I look at him, I see a calm and happy little soul with an adorable smile and a wonderful way of touching my heart.
There have been many things I have enjoyed during the past seven months of getting to know my son, but one of the things I have most enjoyed has been nursing him. I had always planned to breastfeed, with the thought that if it didn't work I wouldn't sweat it. Fortunately Myles and I had very few problems and now I feel so fortunate that it was easy for us (because I fully appreciate that sometimes it's not). With three kids in the house, you can imagine that there are very few moments of calm. But when I am feeding Myles, things automatically seem to mellow. I love every moment of the experience . . . how he rubs his hand on my chest when he's comfortable. . . when he looks up at me and smiles . . . and the moment that he begins to feel sleepy and full.
Throughout my pregnancy, my friends encouraged me to do maternity photos. I never really bought into the idea, having felt so sick for 9 months and not really being able to imagine anything beautiful when I felt so lousy. But about a month ago I realized that the beautiful moment I really wanted to capture was breastfeeding. So I called up my favorite photographer Gerri to schedule a session. Gerri also suggested that 6-7 months is her favorite age to photograph, so we decided to throw in a few costume changes for the young lad as well. From the 100 AMAZING photos we ended up with, I've tried to choose my favorites to share with you below. Baby kisses
Favorite Nursing photos
Myles the toe sucker Bare Naked Myles
Howdy Partner! Says it all -- doesn't it??
Myles and his blankie Mr. Blue Eyes
My favorite photo
OK enough serious, time to ham it up!
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