What's new?
BOO! Life is zooming right along in the Klassen clan. Just realized that I still have not posted our Halloween photos, AND I have neglected to add that I am now a Great Auntie! Thought I'd suprise you by posting an update before the snow flies -- oops a little late, as we've got TONS of snow already!
This fall brought the Klassen clan our way as we enjoyed a rare visit from the King's Washington Aunt and Uncle. Thanksgiving weekend we headed to KW (for Thanksgiving AND the Oktoberfest parade).
Our the gang all headed out on our traditional Halloween adventures. First we headed to Burnhams to pick apples and visit the pumpkin patch. A few days later, we carved our pumpkins. You know how dogs sometimes look like their owners? Well for some reason this year, our pumpkins are looking a little like our kids. Check them out!
On all Hallows eve, we headed down to our friendly bonecracker's office for a party with our friends. This is the 4th year that all of our families have done Halloween together, and it's become a tradition for those of us who live in areas where there is too much greenspace between driveways!
Doc Woodland is always good to the kids, providing lots of spooky highjinxs while they wait for darkness to fall. Baby Blue Eyes wasn't so sure when Doc put the Grim Reaper mask on, but he didn't let that scare him away from collecting all the loot he could carry!
So . . . Baby Blue Eyes was a firefighter. Froggie Princess . . .yup, a FROG. And Dino Princess . . . you got it, A DINO. Nothing too suprising here! Once again, loads of loot for all.
As we said goodbye to October, we seemed to also say goodbye to the warm weather. Just a month ago it was 15C and we were trick or treating in balmy warm weather. November has meant an arrival of the white stuff. Yes folks, snow! It's funny though how the weather can be so drastically different a stone's throw away. Currently, 10km south of us, Cobourg has ZERO snow. Folks in town don't believe us when we say that our kids built a cool snow fort this afternoon.
November also brought the early arrival of our Great Niece! She came 3.5 weeks early, but healthy and strong. We've decided to nickname her Little Bit, because her birthweight was 5lbs 14oz. Those who are able to recall, will remember that Baby Blue Eyes weighed exactly twice that size at birth, topping the scales at 10lbs 3oz. Hmmmm. . .maybe if he'd been that small I'd have thought of doing it again.
Speaking of doing it again, what is it about the third kid?? I swear that third children were put on this earth to act as birth control. Thankfully I don't need it, but let me put it to you this way! I distinctly recall that with the Dino Princess, I didn't believe people when they talked about the terrible two's. I thought I was the the perfect mother with the perfect child.
I'm telling you that I now understand. With the first-born I had more energy to deal with the trying behaviour. There was more gas in the can to practice the three D's of Diversion, Distraction and Discipline.
Then . . .
- The odds of 1 kid:2 parents were more favorable.
- I could ignore the higher pitch associated with whining.
- Toys weren't buried in every corner like a minefield.
- I only did 3 loads of laundry per week.
- There were no other kids to negatively influence my precious munchkin.
vs Now . . .
- I'm split so many different ways that I'm like a vase that's been broken and reglued so many times that my cracks are turning into wrinkles.
- Where I used to like loud music, the sound of three voices talking all at the same time make me start to vibrate in a sensory overload.
- I'm giggling as my WONDERFUL cleaning lady (who over the past four years has come to understand the chaos and has become a member of our family) and I clear the minefield of toys in preparation for handing down to Little Bit.
- My washing machine doesn't get a day off EVER.
- My own kids influence each other. (Yesterday I told Baby Blue Eyes that it was bedtime. He screamed "no". I said "yes". He said, "I'm telling on you!" -- Hmmm. . . could you please??)
And despite the whining . . . I'm also VERY much enjoying life with them all. Much as a Little Bit tugs at my useless uterus, I am so thrilled to be moving onto the Big Kid stuff. For example . . . last weekend we took a trip to KW to visit with my dad and the rest of my family. On Saturday, we were visiting Uncle Bry's place when the kids decided to go tobogganing. Dino Princess ADORES her cousin Vennie and he was kind enough to allow her to borrow his new snowboard to race down the hill. It didn't suprise me when they came back from the hill and I heard that she made it all the way to the bottom - still standing. What did suprise me was that so did Frog Princess and Baby Blue Eyes! YIKES - guess we ARE going to start Ski lessons this winter.
We also took in the Dino Exhibit at the Children's Museum in Kitchener. How much fun was that! Watching all three of them having fun at the same activity (no diaper bag in tow) is so cool.
I've included a picture of all the kids with the biggest kid of them all - my dad! It was great to spend the weekend with him. He's been battling Lymphoma for the past several months, but has been on a chemo-break for a month and has just started to regain his energy. He was able to have lots of fun with the kids this weekend, and they with him. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers, as he began another round of chemo this week.
And that pretty much brings us up to date. Here we are less than a month away from Daddy's, Jesus' and Dino Princess' birthday's. Lots to celebrate and cherish. I'm looking forward to all the traditions that this season holds. So are the kids. Dino Princess is begging to get our Christmas tree this weekend, but we're hoping that putting up the outside lights, and getting the tarp on the rink will hold them off for one more week.